Dragon Quest Xi is similar a classic JRPG and its contempo rerelease is like the final course of a archetype JRPG boss. JRPGs are all about working towards the best version of your character be it through grinding, learning skills, or upgrading your arsenal — including this one.

That terminal one isn't and then easy though, since Dragon Quest 11 S doesn't ever cleave a clear path to the all-time of its many legendary armaments, making it difficult to identify which ones you should go for. To remove that ambivalence, here are the 10 best weapons in Dragon Quest XI S.

x Uber Gringham Whip

Veronica using Twin Dragon Lash in Dragon Quest XI

It'due south difficult to recommend using whips in Dragon Quest XI S. The fact they can hit multiple enemies is cool, but but two characters in the game can employ them and both generally have better options for crowd control.

Only if you absolutely must have a whip user in your party, you lot admittedly need to go for the Uber Gringham Whip. It debuted every bit easily the strongest weapon of its kind in Dragon Quest IX and got a huge vitrify for its return in Xi, allowing it to exercise more damage and give the wearer a hefty charm bonus to kicking.

9 Galaxarang

Erik using his twomerang attack in Dragon Quest XI

Speaking of crowd control, this powerful boomerang also got its showtime in Dragon Quest 9. While it has less raw power than the Uber Gringham Whip (unless it's upgraded via the fun-size forge), information technology hits with the lightning element to compliment Erik's world spells.

Pair this bad boy with the Hunter's Moon or Metal King Goomerang and you're on your mode to dual-wielding domination over even the largest monster groups. Erik doesn't have a lot of ways to hit multiple enemies at one time, so the Galaxarang is e'er a proficient weapon to proceed in his holster.

8 Xenlon Claws

The accessories for Bring Arts' figure for Jade from Dragon Quest XI S

Weapons that concord the ability of dragons are ever going to exist at an advantage in games with titles like Dragon Quest and that's exactly what the Xenlon Claws are.

They won't allow Jade or Rab fly or jiff fire, but they volition give them the best damage boost of any claw weapon and a peachy critical hitting percentage increase to match. It'south just a shame it'southward hidden and so deep in the post-game that most players are likely to miss it.

Jade using multithrust in Dargon Quest XI

Getting the most out of your characters means lots of exp grinding, which in Dragon Quest games translates to killing loads of metallic slimes. Thankfully, the Metal King Spear and its bonus harm confronting metal paired with Jade's multithrust make these loftier defense enemies easier to kill and their loftier experience yields easier to obtain.

But this polearm isn't only for grinding, equally its loftier damage is supported by high chances to beguile enemies or parry their attacks.  Information technology'south rare for a weapon to emphasize defense as well equally offense.

half-dozen Dynamo Dagger

Erik dual-wielding Dynamo Daggers in Dragon Quest XI S

Dorsum to the Dragon Quest IX alumni with the Dynamo Dagger — a postgame weapon that does more damage than all other knives in the game.

More importantly, though, it allows its wielder to move like the wind, giving them a higher chance of getting the driblet on their foes and artfully dodging their counterattacks. It is pretty confusing that Erik and Sylando are appreciably more than mobile with this knife than with no weapon, but why question greatness?

5 Aurora Staff

Veronica caasting sap on Calasmos in Dragon Quest XI

You don't usually expect at staves for their attack power, but with a +112 bonus, information technology'due south hard to ignore this attribute of the Aurora Staff. But don't get as well fixated on this or you'll miss the fact that information technology also gives a huge boost to both offensive and defensive spellcasting for a more balanced magical feel.

And if that weren't enough, the Aurora Staff too has a take chances to remove any and all buffs on its targets, and the fun-size forge can bring that chance upward to 100% in the hands of a skilled role player.

4 Split up-Pot Poker

Serena with the Split Pot Poker in the Japanese version of Dragon Quest XI

Although it lacks the Metal King Spear's type advantage and beguiling chance, the Split up-Pot Poker has a matching parry chance and a much higher damage output that can be taken to absurd levels when its ability to ignore enemies' armor bonuses comes into play.

Plus, it gives Serena and peculiarly Jade a bonus for one of their strongest stats: their amuse. But with a weapon this powerful, they won't need to rely on their looks to intermission peoples' poker faces.

three Faerie King's Cane

Serena with the Fairie King cane in Dragon Quest XI

You want your healers to have an easy fourth dimension keeping you alive, correct? If so, you'll want to grind your way to beating the Bicycle of Harma's final trial in less than 35 turns to get your hands on the Faerie Male monarch's Cane.

With its massive boost to healing potential coupled with a 10% reduction in damage taken while automatically healing 25 HP for free each turn, Serena has never had an easier fourth dimension supporting her allies. This wand fabricated its commencement appearance here in Dragon Quest XI and will hopefully be making many more in hereafter games.

2 Brilliant Blade

The luminary with the brilliant blade in Dragon Quest XI

It'southward no surprise that a sword would be so close to the elevation in a listing like this, but its attack power, charm bonus, and parry take a chance are downright shocking. In fact, they're all amidst the all-time the game has to offer.

As if it needed to be even more overpowered, the appropriately named Vivid Blade is imbued with the power of the low-cal element, arguably the most useful one in the game. Information technology's the greatest greatsword you can craft in this great game.

1 Supreme Sword of Light

The Luminary from Dragon Quest XI

Despite doing less harm than the Vivid Blade and having an identical charm bonus, The Luminary's ultimate weapon easily outclasses its boyfriend sword of light. It benefits from a secondary attribute with the lightning chemical element which helps it in many matchups, but the Supreme Sword of Light's best traits don't lie in its damage output.

It can strip enemies of their buffs when attacking and when used as an detail in boxing tin conversely relieve allies of their debuffs. Besides, it'south the principal hero's ultimate weapon in a game where he is easily the strongest graphic symbol. Information technology would be crazy to have any other armament take the height spot.

Adjacent: The Best Dragon Quest Monsters of All Time

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